Setting standards ahead of the game
Following a substantial revision of international quality and environmental standards, we are pleased to report RE:Group’s success in achieving the new upgraded levels well before the required deadlines.
Being accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 is fundamental to the success of our business, and the fact that we have been able to gain recertification this year, rather than next, is down to our belief in always keeping ahead of the game, including preparing for audits many months in advance.
We have been registered to both ISOs since 2005, but major changes to the requirements have been a challenge for businesses.
As the most widely used quality management system standard in the world, ISO 9001 provides the basis for effective management in the consistent delivery of quality products and services, which is our key priority.
Through our quality approach we ensure customers receive products that are fit for the intended purpose and delivered without deviation from agreed specifications.
ISO 14001 is the leading global environmental standard, helping us to manage and reduce our impact on the world as well as ensuring legal compliance.
We take the management of our environmental performance very seriously. We will continue to work on reducing our impact on all aspects over which we have control and have broadened our established rolling improvement plans.
To maintain ISO standards, we use our combined Quality and Environmental Management System, which is externally audited annually and recertified every three years.
“Our commitment to continual improvement is a key requirement and something RE:Group always strives for,” says Paul Marsden, safety, health, environment and quality manager.
- Re:Group’s laboratory remains accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and also benefits from the integrated management and environmental aspects of our 2015 upgrades