OGUK Welcomes Govt Help For Industry Workers & Companies
Industry organisation Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) has welcomed the government’s announcement of help for workers and companies in the country’s offshore oil and gas industry – which has been severely affected by the impact of COVID-19, the oil price crash and the lowest gas prices seen in the last decade.
Companies in the industry contribute approximately 50 per cent of UK gas, which is used for a large proportion of the country’s electricity production, heating the vast majority of our homes.
Not only that but they also produce a large proportion of the oil we need to fuel our cars, as well as in the manufacture of a vast proportion of the items we use day to day, from contact lenses to lightweight cases for our mobile phones.
Deirdre Michie, chief executive of OGUK, said: “Many of the companies in our industry, especially in the supply chain, are still financially fragile after the previous oil price crash, so the triple whammy we now face is particularly dangerous.
“In that context the strong response from the UK government and their clear determination to support both workers and companies is very welcome. It is now crucial to ensure companies can easily and rapidly access this money as for many businesses and individuals cash flow is now vital.”
Earlier this week (March 20th), the government announced that oil and gas workers were to be included on a list of key workers whose children will now be prioritised for education provision.
OGUK is now working to make sure that all its members and stakeholders are kept up to date with all the latest information relating to COVID-19. There are numerous schemes now available to help support those that have been affected by the pandemic, information about which you can find on the OGUK website.
These include the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (for businesses with turnover up to £45 million), the COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility (for larger firms) and the Time to Pay service (to help businesses with paying tax).
There is also support available for businesses paying sick pay and through deferring VAT and income tax payments. OGUK is also working with members and regulators to develop industry-wide policy and advice on numerous issues, such as a helicopter transfer flowchart.
This sets out action plans for various situations. If no cases of COVID-19 are found, normal flying can take place. If an offshore installation has one or more cases, diagnosis will be made clinically by the installation medic or topside doctor. Symptomatic patients will either be sent home for self-care and isolation, not to hospital or to their GP.
Looking for industrial fuel oil suppliers? Get in touch with Re:Group UK today.